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How to Overcome Writer’s Block When Writing Your Academic Essay

Have you ever experienced a writer’s block moment while writing your academic paper? When you’re writing an essay, you might find yourself struggling to come up with ideas, or hit a wall and just not know what to write next.

This is known as writer’s block, and it can be frustrating if you don’t know how to get past it. But don’t panic! writer’s block is a natural part of the essay-writing process, and many people experience it when they are trying to produce new work.

How to Overcome Writer's Block
How to Overcome Writer’s Block

In fact, famous novelists like George Eliot and J.K Rowling have discussed the importance of finding inspiration at home, in the library, or in everyday life. If you find yourself stuck on your next essay or homework and can’t think of anything new to say about your topic, it might be time to take some tips from these famous authors.

Here are some strategies that will help you break through your writer’s block:

Change Your Environment

If you have been trying to write your essay in the same place and at the same time every day, you may find yourself becoming stale, bored, or distracted — all of which can cause writer’s block.

Find a new place to write your essay, or try to change up your writing environment in some other way. You could try writing in a cafe, library, or other public places, or using a different computer or notebook. Experiment with different sound and light levels until you find something that helps you get into the mood to write.

If you’re changing your writing environment, make sure you also change the way you get ready to write. Spend a few minutes preparing your words and ideas before you actually start writing.

Brainstorm with Friends

In order to break through a block, you need to find a healthy way to start writing again. One way to do this is to engage in some type of brainstorming exercise with friends.

One way to do this is to create a mind map or a flow chart. Create a visual diagram that represents your essay’s overall topic, and then add different ideas and examples related to your topic.

You could also try group writing, in which a group of people writes a draft together, adding ideas, examples, and suggestions as they go. This can be particularly useful if you are writing a group essay, collaborative essay, or cooperative essay.

Practical Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block

Write the essay in short bursts

If you’re finding it difficult to focus on your essay for an extended period of time, try breaking up your writing session into shorter, more manageable chunks. You could try writing for 15 minutes, taking a break for a few minutes, then returning to your essay for another 15 minutes.

This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by your essay and help you find the focus you need to get back into the writing process. This can be particularly helpful if you have trouble concentrating on your essay.

If you find yourself daydreaming or thinking about other things while you’re trying to write, writing in short bursts can help you come back to the essay and stay focused.

Break up your essay into manageable topics, and then write about each section for just a few minutes at a time. You want to make sure that you don’t let the essay write itself, but instead write it in a way that you can carefully oversee and check for accuracy. You’re not trying to write a novel here, so keep your essay short and to the point.

Read Your Research and Topic Closely Again

As you are writing your essay, you may find that you are repeating or that your ideas don’t seem new or original. This may be a sign that you’re struggling with writer’s block.

Try reading through your research or your topic closely again. This can help you find ways to make your essay more interesting and unique, and it’s also a great way to get your creative juices flowing. You may discover that there are new connections and ideas you overlooked the first time around.

You can do this by looking over your notes, textbook, or research sources. Or, if you’re writing an essay online, you can also click on the citations link and review the works that you’ve cited in your essay. When you’re reading your research again, you want to try to ask yourself some questions.

For example, what is the main point of your research? What is the main point of your essay? What are the key supporting details of your research or topic?

Ask Yourself Important Questions to Find your Essay’s Argument

If you’re struggling to find a way to approach your essay topic, try asking yourself some important questions to find your essay’s argument.

For example, you could ask yourself: why do I need to write this essay? What do I hope to gain from this essay? What is my overall thesis statement? What is my argument? – What are the strongest arguments in favor of your topic? – How does your research show that these arguments are true? – What are the strongest arguments against your topic? – How does your research show that these arguments are true? – What are the connections between you and your topic?

These questions can help you get back on track and find a new way to approach your essay. It can also help you figure out the direction of your essay and what you want to say.

Find Evidence to Back Up your Argument

If you’ve been trying to brainstorm new ideas for your essay but nothing seems interesting enough, try finding evidence to back up your argument. Look for examples, statistics, and facts that support your argument, and use them to create new ideas for your essay.

You could also try shifting your focus from writing to research for a little while. Researching new topics can help you refresh your mind and give you new ideas for your essay.

Ask Yourself Questions to Find Your Essay’s Angle

As you are writing your essay, you may find that you are struggling with structure, or running out of time to finish your essay. If this happens, try asking yourself questions to find your essay’s angle. For example, you could ask yourself: what is the most important idea I want to convey?

How can I organize my essay to best convey this idea? What is my conclusion? These questions can help you get back on track and find a new way to approach your essay. It can also help you figure out the direction of your essay and what you want to say.

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Review Your Course Material

If you’re having trouble finding a direction for your essay, try reviewing your course material. Lay out your course syllabus, look over your lecture notes and skim through your reading materials.

This can help you find new connections and ideas that you can use to spark your essay. This can also help you find ways to approach your essay topic more creatively and come up with a new angle.

You might find that studying this material more thoroughly will give you a lot of new ideas for your essay. For example, you can try rereading your syllabus, textbook, course notes, or course readings. You can also try attending class and participating in discussions, or reading articles online about your course topic.

Write something — anything!

If you’re stuck on your essay, it can help to get your creative juices flowing by writing something — anything! You could try brainstorming ideas for a different essay, writing a summary, writing a one-sentence outline, or creating an outline with a mind map.

This doesn’t have to be a complete essay — just writing anything can help you get unstuck and put your ideas into words. Try writing a poem, a summary of a novel, or even a letter to a friend.

You can also write a letter to someone if you want to try something more serious. What’s important is that you get your creative juices flowing. You can also try writing a list of topics that you’re interested in and see if any of them spark an essay idea.

Talk to Your Professor or TA

If nothing you try seems to help with your writer’s block, it’s a good idea to talk to your professor or TA. They can help you find new ways to approach your essay and get unstuck because of burnout. Your professor may suggest that you change your approach to the essay, or have you read through your essay with them to explain your ideas in more detail.

Your TA may ask you to give your essay a different title or change the focus of your essay. Whatever happens, you can ask for help and don’t have to suffer in silence. Talking to your professor or TA can help you find new ways to approach your essay and find a new angle that works for you.

How to Overcome the Dreaded Writer’s Block
How to Overcome the Dreaded Writer’s Block

If you don’t know what to write about, you can ask your professor for advice, or for a topic suggestion. Your professor will know the course material inside and out, so they’ll likely have plenty of ideas for you to choose from.


Writing essays can be challenging, but with the right tools, you will be able to produce high-quality work in no time. To overcome writer’s block, you must first understand what it is and how it works. You must also know how to recognize it and be aware of the symptoms.

Once you know what to do, overcoming writer’s block can be relatively easy. There are many ways to overcome writer’s block, from changing your environment to reading your course material. You can also try brainstorming with friends or writing the essay in short bursts. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t let writer’s block hold you back.