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Time Management for Back to School: 10 Tips How To Stay Organized and Stress-Free

Time management is one of those skills that seems to be a highly desired asset in almost every job listing. With back-to-school season upon us, getting your student-organized and stress-free is key. Time management can seem like an impossible task with busy schedules, after-school activities, and new responsibilities looming ahead.

But don’t worry! We have you covered with some time management tips for students that will ease the stress of the upcoming school year. Keeping up with assignments, managing time wisely, and staying organized are essential skills for any student.

Time Management
Time Management

Image Source: Freepik

‍In our digital world, the pressure to succeed is ever-increasing. Students are expected to compete on a global scale, and that means putting in more hours than ever before. Whether you’re a high school senior about to head off to college or a recent graduate trying to break into the workforce, back-to-school time can be stressful.

You need to balance challenging academics with extracurricular activities like internships and study groups, which means there’s less time for sleeping and more time spent hitting the books. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find balance between home life, work-life, social life, and academic life.

Time management skills are essential in helping you juggle all of your responsibilities while staying organized and stress-free at the same time. So how do you manage your time effectively? Here are some tips for back to school success:

Plan Your Week Before You Start

Before you dive into your coursework, calendar out your entire week. This will give you a bird’s-eye view of how much time you actually have to complete assignments without plagiarism. It will also help you identify any potential scheduling conflicts that you should attend to before they become an issue.

If you have back-to-school events like sports games or academic decathlon competitions, make sure they’re scheduled into your calendar. And don’t forget to write down any deadlines that are coming up. If there are certain days of the week where you struggle to stay focused, make sure you’re avoiding those times.

If you’re a night owl, for example, you might want to avoid scheduling early morning classes. And if there are certain subjects that you have a hard time concentrating on, avoid scheduling them during your peak hours.

Develop a Habit of Effective Time Management

You may have heard that time management skills are a myth. But the truth is, time management skills are a necessity. You can’t control the amount of time you have each day, but you can control how you spend it.

This can be as simple as making sure that you avoid distractions as you work, or scheduling social time as well as academic time. You can even make a point to carve out a little extra time each day to de-stress. Whatever works best for you is what you should do.

Once you’ve got your schedule planned out and are following it, you’ll begin to notice that there is some extra time in your day. At this point, it’s a matter of deciding how to best use that extra time. Should you be working another hour on a project or studying for a test? Or maybe taking care of an errand that you’ve been meaning to do but just haven’t gotten around to?

Time Managemen Tips

Make a To-Do list and Stick To It

Keep a to-do list nearby so that you can jot down anything that comes up during the day. This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed by the number of things on your plate. You should also make sure to check off items as you complete them so that you’re not getting behind.

If you’re worried you’ll forget to do something, you can set up a recurring task or use a to-do app like Todoist to keep track of everything. But don’t be afraid to cross items off your to-do list. This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s important that you feel comfortable moving forward with your day even if you don’t get every task completed that you had hoped to.

If you use paper, try a different organizational method every now and then. For example, you could use a different color pen every day. Or you could use a different type of paper every week. Whatever method works best for you, just make sure that you find a way to stay focused on what needs to get done and when.

Estimate how much time you’ll need for assignments

If you’re a visual learner, you can make a chart or graph out the amount of time you’ll need for assignments. Or, you can make a table like the one below. Make sure to include the amount of time you think you’ll need to prepare for the assignments, review the materials and complete the assignments.

Once you estimate the amount of time you’ll need for an assignment, you can then use that to help guide you as you schedule out your day.

While it’s important to find time for friends and family, don’t overschedule your weekends or evenings to the point where you aren’t getting any studying done. Make a rule for yourself that you won’t commit to anything that will prevent you from getting your work done.

There is only so much time in a day, and if you try to do everything, you’ll get nothing done. It’s important to prioritize so that you can make the most of your time. Don’t overcommit yourself and promise more than you can deliver. That will only leave you feeling stressed, tired, and unproductive.

Don’t Forget to Take Care of Yourself

While it’s important to stay on top of your coursework and other responsibilities, you also have to make time for yourself. You should schedule in time to de-stress, eat properly and get enough sleep. Without these three essential components, you’ll be unable to perform at your optimal level.

If you’re struggling to stay on top of everything, take a step back and reassess your situation. Are you trying to do too much? If so, you may need to get rid of some of your commitments so that you don’t burn out. You can also make some changes to your daily routine to make it easier to balance everything.

Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate

If you have a friend or family member who could really use the extra money, or has the time to do something you don’t have time for, don’t be afraid to delegate. Whether it’s a project for class or extracurricular activity for your city, if you’re extra busy, you may want to reach out to someone and see if they’re able to help you out.

This can be as simple as asking a friend if they want to study with you, or asking your roommate to take care of the dishes. If you have the opportunity to get ahead, don’t be afraid to take it.

For example, if you’re on the swim team, have lots of homework, are in a club or are involved in academic competitions, you may not have enough time to clean your room or do your laundry. Talk to your parents or a sibling and see if they’re willing to help out with these tasks. And if you’re in college, consider signing up for a housekeeping service.

Find Your Strengths and Leverage Them

What are your strengths? What are you naturally good at? What are you more interested in doing? Whatever it is, you should try to focus on that. This is one of the best ways to maximize your productivity.

If you’re a person who excels at visuals, don’t try to force yourself to work better with words. Similarly, if you’re a person who is more auditory, don’t force yourself to work better with visuals. You don’t have to do everything perfectly, or even perfectly at all. All you have to do is do what you’re good at.

You can also use your strengths to help you overcome your weaknesses. If you’re auditory and you’re not great at visualizing things, try sketching and drawing while you listen to audio.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed By Distractions

Distractions can come in many forms. You may experience interruptions in the form of phone calls or emails, or you could be experiencing procrastination. No matter what form they take, it’s important that you don’t let them get in the way of your success.

To combat distractions, try implementing the Pomodoro technique. Alternatively, you can also use a time management tool like a time tracker to help keep you on task. You may also need to reevaluate your daily routine and make some changes if you’re finding that you’re being distracted too often.

You may find yourself staring at social media or getting carried away by your favorite TV show. Whatever your distractions are, it’s important to learn how to shut them off. Put a time limit on social media and TV. You can even block these sites on your computer or phone so that you don’t accidentally get sucked in.

Set realistic goals and don’t be afraid to change your schedule when you need to. You’re not in this alone, so don’t forget to network with other students, professors, and professionals in your field. You never know who may end up being a valuable resource.

Back to school time management tips

Develop a Ritual

A ritual is something that you do at the beginning or end of your day that helps bring order to your life. It can be something as simple as writing down your top three priorities for the day, or as complex as a yoga-based meditation. Whatever it is, it should work for you and make your life easier.

You can do this while you’re in school, but it’s even more important when you’re working because there are so many distractions. Having a ritual can help make you more productive because you’ll know what to expect each day.

You can even keep a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings. This will help you feel more in control of your day. When you get home from class or work, relax with a cup of herbal tea and reflect on your day.

Take note of what went well and what could be improved. It will help you stay calm and relaxed and get a good night’s sleep. Then, start the next day with a positive attitude and a clear head. You’ll notice that you have plenty of time to get things done and still have a life outside of school.

Network, Network, Network

Finally, one of the best things you can do to help kickstart your career is network. Whether that’s with your friends, family members, or people online, it’s important to meet new people. Consider hosting a dinner party with friends or family members, or joining a professional network like LinkedIn.

You may also want to consider joining a student organization or signing up for academic clubs. These are all great ways to meet new people who can help you in the future.