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12 Ways of Dealing with Too Much Homework

How much homework is too much? Homework is a fact of life for students in all grade levels, and it’s not going away any time soon. But what happens when the amount of homework you get each night starts to feel more like work than school? It can feel like there’s just too much homework!

As an adult who remembers those high school days, we want to share with our readers some useful tips on how to deal with too much homework. School is challenging enough without having too much homework being thrown at you every night.

Dealing with Too Much Homework
Dealing with Too Much Homework

Having too much homework can be frustrating and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be this way. If you find yourself feeling overburdened by your assignments, read on for some helpful strategies that will help lighten your workload.

Take Care of Yourself

Before you start trying to resolve your homework issues, it’s important to take care of yourself. Too much stress can have serious health consequences, so in addition to getting help with your homework, it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically and mentally.

Start by making sure you’re getting enough sleep. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night, so make sure you’re getting enough rest so that you aren’t too tired to function throughout the day. It’s also important to eat well and exercise regularly.

Diet and exercise can help boost your energy levels, keep you focused throughout the day, and reduce stress so you’re not as susceptible to burnout.

Ask for Help

One way to reduce the amount of homework you have is to ask for help. If you’re struggling in a particular class, it’s OK to reach out to your teacher and ask for additional support. If your workload is really overwhelming, you can also ask your teacher to help you adjust your workload.

Start by explaining how busy you are and why you have so much on your plate. Then, ask your teacher what you can do to lighten your load so that you can handle everything more easily.

If you’re struggling with a particular subject, you can also approach your teacher to ask for help with tutoring. Tutoring is often available for struggling students, and it can give you the support you need to get back on track.

Sit Down and Organize your Assignments

Another way to reduce the amount of homework you have is to sit down and organize your assignments. If you have a bunch of loose papers lying around, chances are they’re just going to stress you out even more. It’s a good idea to have one place where you keep all of your homework assignments.

You can keep them in a binder, folder, or notebook, whatever is easiest for you. It’s also helpful to keep a calendar or a to-do list where you can mark down when things are due. This way, you can see everything that’s due in the upcoming week and plan accordingly.

Befriend Your School’s Tutor or TA

If you’re struggling with a particular subject, you may want to befriend your school’s tutor or TA. Tutors and teaching assistants are there to help, and they can provide you with valuable assistance as you work through your coursework.

Tutors and TAs are often available before or after school, during lunch, or even online. Be sure to check with your school’s administration to find out what hours your tutor or TA is available.

If you’re worried about bothering your tutor too much, you can always ask your teacher to set up a time when you can meet with the tutor and ask them any questions you have.

Start a Nightly Routine

Another way to reduce the amount of homework you have is by starting a nightly routine. This helps you stay organized, so you aren’t scrambling to finish your work at the last minute. It’s a good idea to set aside time every night for homework. Put a note on your calendar so that you don’t forget about this appointment and you can keep your homework consistent. Having a set time that you do your homework each day also helps you get into a routine, which can reduce stress and help you stay focused.

Set aside time for Homework Only

If you start to feel overwhelmed by the amount of homework you have, it can help to set aside time only for homework. Keeping your other responsibilities separate from your homework can help you focus better on your coursework and reduce the amount of stress you feel overall.

It also helps to keep the two portions of your life separate so you don’t get too worn out by everything that’s going on. When you go to do your homework, make sure you turn off your phone and other distractions so you can keep your focus on the task at hand.

If you get distracted by other things, it can take a lot longer to get your work done, which can make you feel even more stressed out.

How Much is Too Much Homework

Diversify your learning methods

Another way to reduce the amount of homework you have is by diversifying your learning methods. If you’re only taking notes on paper, you aren’t getting the most out of your coursework. You can use different technologies to help you learn better and reduce the amount of time you spend on homework.

For example, you can use a study app or website to help you organize your notes or use a dictionary or thesaurus app to expand your vocabulary. If you’re struggling with a particular subject, you can also ask your teacher to suggest different ways you can learn the material better.

Your teacher may have tips that will help you better understand the coursework and reduce the amount of time you spend on it.

Adjust Your Expectations

One thing you can do to reduce the amount of homework you have is to adjust your expectations. When you first start a new school year, it can be easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to other people and feeling like you aren’t measuring up.

If you’re feeling too pressured, it can help to remind yourself that everyone’s workload is different. You may also want to revisit your goals and expectations for the year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the best thing you can do is take a step back and figure out a plan to get your workload under control.

Check your Syllabus

Another way to reduce the amount of homework you have is to check your syllabus and see how much homework is actually listed for each course. If you’re worried about having too much homework, it can help to check the course syllabus to see how much work is actually assigned for each subject.

If you notice that there’s less homework than you’re expecting, you can remind yourself that you actually have fewer assignments than most people. On the other hand, if you see a lot of homework listed, you can remind yourself that everyone has different amounts of work to do and yours is within the normal range.

Negotiate with Your Teacher

If you’ve tried all the tips in this article to reduce your homework and you’re still feeling overloaded, it may be time to negotiate with your teacher. Teachers want their students to succeed, so if you approach them and explain how busy you are, they may be willing to lighten your workload.

You may want to consider approaching your teacher before the end of the semester. This way, there’s still plenty of time to finish the coursework but you won’t be as stressed out during the last few weeks of the semester.

Before you approach your teacher, make sure you have a good reason why you want reduced coursework. It’s helpful to have an action plan in place so you can show your teacher exactly how you plan to finish everything.

Are Teacher Giving too much Homework

Use technology to lighten your load

If you’re feeling overworked and overwhelmed, another thing you can do to reduce the amount of homework you have is to use technology to lighten your load. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t rely too heavily on technology to do your homework for you.

With all the fancy advances in technology, it’s no surprise that there are several ways you can use technology to lighten your load when it comes to dealing with too much homework. You can use apps to help you schedule out your day, find relevant information on a topic, or even transcribe an audio recording. When it comes to your assignments, you have several options for using technology to help you out.

These tools are great for helping you keep track of your assignments and streamline your workflow. You can also use them to find relevant information more easily and even record your own voice notes to save time and energy.

Prioritize and be selective

If you find yourself with too much homework, the easiest way to tackle your workload is to prioritize and be selective with what you tackle first. To start, try to prioritize your assignments based on their due dates.

Once you have a rough idea of how much time you have to complete each assignment, you can start being more selective with the tasks you tackle first. For example, if you have a paper due in two weeks and a three-page reading due tomorrow, the reading assignment is going to take priority because you have more time to finish it.

You can also use these tips to help you get ahead on your work and lessen the amount of stress that comes with having too much homework.


Homework is something that all blogging students have to go through, but it is something that can definitely be overwhelming. When there is too much homework, it can be really stressful and overwhelming, especially if you don’t know how to deal with it. In this article, you have learned what you can do to deal with too much homework.